Fluting ribs

31 May 2011   buildlog   horizontal-stabilizer   ribs   fluting

I started this session by partially assembling the skeleton of the horizontal stabilizer to get an idea of how much fluting work the ribs were going to need for them to fit properly. Since the holes on the forward section of the main ribs were not lining up with the spar properly, it was pretty obvious that there was going to be some work required.


I found this video, Fluting ribs on RV12, on YouTube a while back about a technique for fluting ribs. The concept certainly seems sound, however, his ribs certainly appeared to have significantly more curve to them than mine do. The biggest problem I’m having right now seems to be twist in the ribs. I’ve got some ideas how to get some of that out, but I’ll probably take a couple of the ribs with me to the chapter meeting to get some more ideas. In the mean time, I’ll keep trying some things. As long as I’m gentle, it shouldn’t hurt anything.

Build hours status

Entry Type Hours this session Total hours to date
Total hours 0.75 10.25
Parts worked on
 horizontal stabilizer 0.75 8.25
 ribs 0.75 4.75
Work Types
 fluting 0.75 0.75
 nitehawk 0.75 10.25